
CHX (Church History)


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Course Requirements

The only requirement for this course is to purchase the course eBook "CET101 - Church History I: From Genesis to Circa 30 CE". This is an entry level course

Course Description

This foundational course, CHS101 - Church History I: From Genesis to Circa 30 CE, offers a thorough exploration of the origins and early development of the faith traditions and historical contexts that shape Christianity. Students will embark on a chronological journey beginning with the creation narrative in Genesis, progressing through the patriarchal period, the Exodus, the establishment and division of the united monarchy, and the turbulent times of the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The course will also cover the significant historical, religious, and cultural shifts during the Intertestamental Period, leading to the birth, ministry, and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Key Topics:

  1. The Creation and Early Humanity:
    • Examination of the Genesis creation narrative.
    • Exploration of early humanity and key figures such as Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, and Noah.
  2. The Patriarchal Period:
    • The lives and significance of the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
    • The covenantal promises and their impact on the Israelite identity.
  3. The Exodus and Conquest:
    • The story of Moses, the plagues, and the Exodus from Egypt.
    • The journey through the wilderness, receiving the Ten Commandments, and the conquest of Canaan under Joshua.
  4. The United Monarchy - Saul, David, and Solomon:
    • The establishment of the monarchy with Saul.
    • David’s reign, his accomplishments, and his failures.
    • Solomon’s wisdom, building of the Temple, and the eventual division of the kingdom.
  5. The Divided Kingdom - Israel and Judah:
    • The reasons for the split and the subsequent histories of the northern and southern kingdoms.
    • Key prophets and their messages during this period.
  6. The Intertestamental Period:
    • The cultural and political changes between the Old and New Testaments.
    • The influence of Hellenism, the Maccabean Revolt, and the rise of the Roman Empire.
  7. The Birth of Jesus Christ:
    • The historical and prophetic context leading to the birth of Jesus.
    • The nativity narrative and its theological implications.
  8. The Ministry of Jesus:
    • Key events and teachings from Jesus’ ministry.
    • The significance of His miracles, parables, and interactions with various groups.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the foundational events and figures in early biblical history.
  • Analyze the religious, cultural, and political contexts that influenced the development of early Israel and Judah.
  • Understand the historical significance of the Intertestamental Period and its impact on the New Testament narrative.
  • Comprehend the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus Christ within their historical and theological contexts.

Course Format:

The course will be delivered through a combination of lectures, readings, discussions, and assessments. Students will engage with primary biblical texts, supplemented by scholarly commentaries and historical analyses. Assessments will include multiple-choice quizzes, short essays, and a final exam to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the material.

Required Texts:

  • Course eBook “CHS101 - Church History I: From Genesis to Circa 30 CE
  • The Holy Bible (NASB 2020)
  • Supplementary readings and commentaries provided by the instructor.

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of CHS101 - Church History I: From Genesis to Circa 30 CE, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate Knowledge of Biblical Creation and Early Humanity:
    • Articulate the key elements of the Genesis creation narrative.
    • Identify and explain the significance of early human figures such as Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, and Noah.
  2. Understand the Patriarchal Period:
    • Describe the lives and contributions of the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.
    • Analyze the covenantal promises made to the patriarchs and their impact on the formation of Israelite identity and theology.
  3. Analyze the Exodus and Conquest Narratives:
    • Summarize the events leading to the Exodus from Egypt, including the plagues and the role of Moses.
    • Discuss the journey through the wilderness, the giving of the Ten Commandments, and the conquest of Canaan under Joshua.
  4. Examine the United Monarchy of Israel:
    • Detail the establishment of the monarchy under Saul, and the significant reigns of David and Solomon.
    • Evaluate the achievements and failures of these kings and their influence on the united kingdom of Israel.
  5. Explore the History of the Divided Kingdom:
    • Explain the reasons for the division of the united monarchy into Israel and Judah.
    • Identify key kings and prophets of the divided kingdoms and assess their contributions to Israelite history and religion.
  6. Assess the Intertestamental Period:
    • Outline the major cultural, political, and religious developments between the Old and New Testaments.
    • Examine the influence of Hellenism, the Maccabean Revolt, and the rise of the Roman Empire on Jewish society and religion.
  7. Understand the Birth and Early Life of Jesus Christ:
    • Describe the historical and prophetic contexts of the birth of Jesus.
    • Explain the nativity narrative and its theological significance for early Christianity.
  8. Evaluate the Ministry of Jesus:
    • Identify and discuss key events, teachings, and miracles from Jesus' ministry.
    • Analyze the significance of Jesus’ parables, interactions with various groups, and His overall impact on His followers and contemporary society.
  9. Integrate Historical and Theological Insights:
    • Synthesize historical facts with theological interpretations to form a comprehensive understanding of early church history.
    • Apply critical thinking to evaluate the historical contexts and their influence on the development of Christian doctrine and practice.
  10. Develop Research and Analytical Skills:
    • Utilize primary biblical texts and scholarly resources to conduct thorough historical research.
    • Present well-supported arguments in written and oral formats, demonstrating a deep understanding of the course material.

By achieving these outcomes, students will have a foundational understanding of the early history of the church, enabling them to pursue further studies in church history, theology, and biblical studies with a solid grounding in the key events and figures from Genesis to circa 30 CE.

Course Curriculum

1 Preface
30 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for the Preface of CHS101.

1 Chapter 1 Reading
10 Hours40 Min

Read the CHS101 Course Book that corresponds to this chapter. Follow the PDF reading assignment for this chapter.

2 CHS101_QA_01 [Quiz]

1 Chapter 2 Reading
10 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for the Chapter in the coursebook.

2 CHS101_QA_02 [Quiz]

1 Chapter 3 Reading
10 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for the Chapter in the coursebook.

2 CHS101_QA_03 [Quiz]

1 Chapter 4 Reading
10 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for the Chapter in the coursebook.

2 CHS101_QA_04 [Quiz]

1 Chapter 5 Reading
10 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for the Chapter in the coursebook.

2 CHS101_QA_05 [Quiz]

1 Chapter 6 Reading
10 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for the Chapter in the coursebook.

2 CHS101_QA_06 [Quiz]

1 Chapter 7 Reading
10 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for the Chapter in the coursebook.

2 CHS101_QA_07 [Quiz]

1 Chapter 8 Reading
10 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for the Chapter in the coursebook.

2 CHS101_QA_08 [Quiz]

1 Chapter 9 Reading
10 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for the Chapter in the coursebook.

2 CHS101_QA_09 [Quiz]

1 Chapter 10 Reading
10 Hours39 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for the Chapter in the coursebook.

1 CHS101_QA_00 [Quiz]

2 CHS101 Course Comprehensive Assement
10 Min

Fill out the course evaluation and submit


BspDr. Eric L Douglass Sr, DMin, DD, MPH, BTh, BES

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18 Students
61 Courses

BspDr D was born in Maryland in the United States in the mid 1950's. He has been a Christian since birth, having been "born from above" during his 15th year. God called him in March 2019 in start an online, global, apostolic ministry to prepare God's people for the Matthew 24 age. He is well-accomplished and is still developing his spiritual gifts under the authority of God and delivering what he hears to those attending ABCS.

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CHS 101 - Church History I: From Genesis to Circa 30 CE (3cr)


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