
PTH (Pastoral Theology)


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Course Requirements

Successful completion of CET101 Christian Ethics I - Introduction to General Ethics. Students taking this course MUST purchase the Kindle eBook "CET202 ' The Principles of Christian Ethics".

Course Description

CET202, Development of Christian Moral Thought, delves into the rich historical evolution and diverse expressions of Christian ethics. This course explores the origins and development of Christian moral thought from its ancient roots through medieval scholarship to modern interpretations. By examining key figures, significant texts, and theological debates, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how Christian ethics has responded to and shaped cultural, social, and philosophical contexts over centuries. The course aims to provide a deeper insight into the dynamic relationship between Christian ethical principles and the challenges faced by believers throughout history.

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand the historical context and evolution of Christian moral thought.
  2. Analyze the contributions of key historical figures and theological movements to Christian ethics.
  3. Explore the ethical teachings of Jesus and their impact on Christian moral reasoning.
  4. Examine the role of the Church in moral formation and its influence on social ethics.
  5. Evaluate how Christian ethics addresses contemporary moral issues such as bioethics, social justice, and environmental stewardship.
  6. Develop an understanding of Christian virtues and their role in character formation.
  7. Investigate the intersection of Christian ethics with secular ethical systems.
  8. Apply principles of ethical decision-making in professional contexts, informed by Christian moral thought.
  9. Analyze the biblical foundations of human rights and their relevance to contemporary ethical discussions.
  10. Explore the biblical mandate for social justice and its application to key areas of social concern.

Course Curriculum

1 What is Morality
5 Hours40 Min

Read the CET202 Course Book that corresponds to this Chapter. Follow the PDF reading assignment for this Chapter.

2 CET202_Ref_01
5 Hours40 Min

The PDF is a synopsis of the referenced material for that chapter. We encourage you to seek out a copy of the referenced material for more indepth information. We have synopsed the key points we feel are important for the subject matter of this course.

3 CET202_QA_01 [Quiz]

1 The Development of Christian Moral Thought
5 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for Chapter 2 of the Course Book "CET202-Prinicples of Christian Ethics".

2 CET202_Ref_02
5 Hours40 Min

The PDF is a synopsis of the referenced material for that chapter. We encourage you to seek out a copy of the referenced material for more in-depth information. We have provided a synopsis of the key points we feel are important for the subject matter of this course.

3 CET202_QA_02 [Quiz]

1 The Ethical Teachings of Jesus
5 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for Chapter 3 of the Course Book "CET202-Prinicples of Christian Ethics".

2 CET202_Ref_03
5 Hours40 Min

The PDF is a synopsis of the referenced material for that chapter. We encourage you to seek out a copy of the referenced material for more in-depth information. We have provided a synopsis of the key points we feel are important for the subject matter of this course.

3 CET202_QA_03 [Quiz]

1 The Role of the Church in Moral Formation
5 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for Chapter 4 of the Course Book "CET202-Prinicples of Christian Ethics".

2 CET202_Ref_04
5 Hours40 Min

The PDF is a synopsis of the referenced material for that chapter. We encourage you to seek out a copy of the referenced material for more in-depth information. We have provided a synopsis of the key points we feel are important for the subject matter of this course.

3 CET202_QA_04 [Quiz]

1 Christian Ethics and Contemporary Moral Issues
5 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for Chapter 5 of the Course Book "CET202-Prinicples of Christian Ethics".

2 CET202_Ref_05
5 Hours40 Min

The PDF is a synopsis of the referenced material for that chapter. We encourage you to seek out a copy of the referenced material for more in-depth information. We have provided a synopsis of the key points we feel are important for the subject matter of this course.

1 Christian Virtue and XCharacter Formation
5 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for Chapter 6 of the Course Book "CET202-Prinicples of Christian Ethics".

2 CET202_Ref_06
5 Hours39 Min

The PDF is a synopsis of the referenced material for that chapter. We encourage you to seek out a copy of the referenced material for more in-depth information. We have provided a synopsis of the key points we feel are important for the subject matter of this course.

3 CET202_QA_06 [Quiz]

1 The Intersection of Christian Ethics and Secular Ethics
5 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for Chapter 7 of the Course Book "CET202-Prinicples of Christian Ethics".

2 CET202_Ref_07
5 Hours40 Min

The PDF is a synopsis of the referenced material for that chapter. We encourage you to seek out a copy of the referenced material for more in-depth information. We have provided a synopsis of the key points we feel are important for the subject matter of this course.

3 CET202_QA_07 [Quiz]

1 Ethical Decision-Making and Christian Ethics
5 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for Chapter 8 of the Course Book "CET202-Prinicples of Christian Ethics".

2 CET202_Ref_08
5 Hours40 Min

The PDF is a synopsis of the referenced material for that chapter. We encourage you to seek out a copy of the referenced material for more in-depth information. We have provided a synopsis of the key points we feel are important for the subject matter of this course.

3 CET202_QA_08 [Quiz]

1 Christian Ethics and Human Rights
5 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for Chapter 9 of the Course Book "CET202-Prinicples of Christian Ethics".

2 CET202_Ref_09
5 Hours40 Min

The PDF is a synopsis of the referenced material for that chapter. We encourage you to seek out a copy of the referenced material for more in-depth information. We have provided a synopsis of the key points we feel are important for the subject matter of this course.

3 CET202_QA_09 [Quiz]

1 Christian Ethics and Social Justice
5 Hours40 Min

Perform the attached Reading Schedule for Chapter 9 of the Course Book "CET202-Prinicples of Christian Ethics".

2 CET202_Ref_10
5 Hours40 Min

The PDF is a synopsis of the referenced material for that chapter. We encourage you to seek out a copy of the referenced material for more in-depth information. We have provided a synopsis of the key points we feel are important for the subject matter of this course.

3 CET202_QA_10 [Quiz]

1 CET202_QA_00 [Quiz]

2 CET202 Course Evaluation
10 Min

Download the fillable form from the Course download area. Fill and submit.

1. ABCS_ScriptureChase_Fillable.pdf


BspDr. Eric L Douglass Sr, DMin, DD, MPH, BTh, BES

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0 Reviews
18 Students
61 Courses

BspDr D was born in Maryland in the United States in the mid 1950's. He has been a Christian since birth, having been "born from above" during his 15th year. God called him in March 2019 in start an online, global, apostolic ministry to prepare God's people for the Matthew 24 age. He is well-accomplished and is still developing his spiritual gifts under the authority of God and delivering what he hears to those attending ABCS.

Student Feedback

CET 202 - Christian Ethics II - Principles of Christian Ethics (3 cr)


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